niedziela, 24 listopada 2013

First exploration of Ukraine – trip to Lviv

First I have to say that even though it’s November, the weather here is amazing, mostly sunny and warm. It was colder when I came than now! But of course the only two rainy days had to happen when we decided to go for a trip. Lviv welcomed us with "British weather", but luckily it wasn’t raining whole day and we could enjoy walks in the city.
When telling about travelling, it’s good to say few words about transport, in this case trains. Polish people are rather used to the fact that they go to the station just before the train leaves, buy ticket and go. As a result sometime you travel standing in the corridor, or like sardines but anyway we don’t now what means - sorry no ticket for the train you have to wait till the morning. In Ukraine it can happen, so you can risk and buy ticket just before leaving or if you want no surprises, it’s better to think about your travel a bit before, and buy tickets’ in advance. You can do it on the station or via Internet (the website is available in English) or on the station, where mostly are long queues to the ticket offices. Besides of this inconvenience, Ukrainian trains are very good. Much faster than Polish PKP (I still remember my way to university about 70 km in 2,5 hours!?), quite comfortable. The second surprise for people can be third class - plackart. Personally I think it’s very good idea, and I would prefer to travel on such kind of train from my city to Polish seaside, than suffering half sitting with 6 other people in one small compartment. In third class there are no compartments, but there are normal sleeping places, and when sitting, you also have quite a lot of place. And finally the most important thing, tickets are really cheap. 

So, after this short introduction, let’s discover Lviv, let’s see it with ours eyes, from our perspective.
It was my second time in Lviv, I could see it in spring colors and a bit grey autumn tones. I would like to say few words about my first trip to Lviv, it was during orthodox Easter. The difference is that during Easter time you can notice much more people in the churches, now they were quite deserted. For the first time I could see also how orthodox celebrate this holiday, I was invited by our host lady on Easter breakfast, which was amazingly delicious and actually same as at home, we aren’t so different all in all;)
I don’t have to introduce the city to Polish people, we all know Lviv, Lwów. Lviv is a city of East and West, I can say more "European", which somehow reminds Kraków and the main square a bit Wrocław. It also have specific atmosphere, which makes you like this city from the first sight. It’s quite polluted and crowded unfortunately, but still a lot of green places, amazing parks around city, on hills, where you can rest from cars, charming little streets in the center, and remaining of past multiculturalism - Armenian church and old Armenian part of the city, ruins of synagogue, Catholic churches, statue of Polish "poet number one" and Polish names on cemetery.
We visited all churches in the center, wonderful diversity, and biggest impression left Armenian one - this was something exotic and what surprised us - the paintings are so realistic on comparison with orthodox or catholic churches.
This part was most impressing
I don’t want to present any detailed information as Internet is full of advices what to see and description of all touristic places. I would like to share only my general impressions. This time I really enjoyed the trip to architectural museum it was really much better than the ones which I’ve seen in Poland, built on the hills in the park – the walk there is just amazing even in a bit awful weather (grey sky, darkening quickly and bit rainy). I was only a bit disappointed because our city guide from CS was almost running and we couldn’t isit a place properly.

In Lviv’s architecture you can notice influences of all nations and religions connected during the history with the city – Polish, Jewish, Ukrainians, Tatars, Armenians…and also varied styles from gothic to classicism, all this makes the city very interesting and specific place. I find charming the cobbled streets as well (it isn’t comfortable for cars for sure, but looks wonderful).
Visit in museum can bring not only esthetical impressions but also possibilities to talk with locals in both galleries we met nice old ladies who were very interested in talking with us. People are a bit more open here, after few minutes of talking with babushkas you know half of their lives and they seem very excited about talking with foreigners)) Ah and about trams, can you imagine the driver woman who is correcting her make up while driving? Incredible:D
All in all, we had amazing time in this beautiful city and hopefully we will come back one day!
Lviv main square, lions and I...

 We discovered lovely small and a bit hidden  restaurant with great food and very special atmosphere

and Lviv by night...

niedziela, 10 listopada 2013

Month has passed… or rather flight with astronomic speed

I am in Ukraine already a month, but it seems like much longer. I can say that I already got used to new life, new city etc. Everything isn’t so frightening already. It wasn’t even in the beginning, but all new things cause some kind of fear and stress. Our first clubs in Pangeya Ultima took place and they were quite good. The success of these clubs depends not only on our creativity and abilities but mostly on participants who are great people – they are amazing, interested and cooperation is a pleasure. I never thought I would get satisfaction from leading an event myself, but I learnt here that it’s very possible. Even though I’m stressed before and worrying if the theme would be interesting enough, in the process I forgot about all that and enjoy very much. Here you can see few pictures from my first individual club:

The same satisfaction bring lessons with children, we had 3 of them already and it’s fantastic experience. First time was extremely stressful, but children were very interested and open, they want to communicate with us very much. It’s difficult with Daphnee, but believe me or not language barrier isn’t really existing. Mostly they don’t speak English except of – hello, my name is… but it isn’t a problem for them as more important is their willing and using hands and drawings and if it doesn’t help asking me for translations we all can communicate. 

We have also fun when preparing for classes with the children, you can see on picture our efforts of creating some eco pieces of art :D

Of course our days aren’t only “planned obligatory activities”, but also a lot of free time, so I can do many things, enjoying some ind of freedom and time only for me, which I lack normally. Last week we used our time for trip to Lviv, which will be the topic of next post!

czwartek, 17 października 2013

Impressions of first week

My long and tiring trip to Vinnitsya ended. Travelling alone always was connected with getting to know new people very easily and also seeing how complete strangers can help you a lot even without asking and just for smile and thank you, and how much good will they can show (it's better to forget at once about all bad). In this trip was similar, to mention only one, it was really sweet and kind when I found out after waking up in the train that someone had covered me with blanket. So now few words about very first day. I must say that I wasn’t really aware what’s going on around me because of exhaustion from the trip. On the station I met Yaroslav (our EVS coordiantor) who took me to the apartment and shortly described the city on the way. Then I met another volunteer and my flatmate – Michał. They welcomed me very nicely and showed a lot of care and interest.
The next day Michał took me on the first walk around the city, and I liked a lot. Vinnitsya seems to be quite calm and nice city, some nice architecture, some chaos, a lot of green places, and general impression is very positive. There will be a lot of time to describe it in detail, with photos. Now I only want to say that I really love cities with rivers, maybe it makes it a bit romantic, or just adds something to overall atmosphere. And in Vinnitsya we have quite big nice river –Picdennyj Buh . That day was really slow and not demanding. I could rest a lot and just get accustomed to new place, flat, and my new situation.
The next few days were very full, especially of information and getting to know many new people. First of all I should start from introducing second EVS volunteer, who came day after me and will work with me. Her name is Daphnee and she is from France. I really hope she will teach me some French finally)))
Whole week was dedicated to getting familiar with the organizations– Nashe Podillia and Pangeya Ultima and what activities they do.  We haven’t started our activities yet, for now its preparation and acclimatization time for us. I have to say that I really liked the people, I was afraid they won’t care about us, or any problems can happen, but none of my “black scenarios” happened, everyone is extremely helpful and very positive.  I think I will learn a lot during these 8 months and my time will be rather good. I don’t remember the time when I met so many people in so short period, each day is completely new for me. From one side it’s very nice and good experience, but from the other sometimes I can feel overwhelmed in a bit bad way, like it’s too much and too quickly, and my mind cannot accept so much, but it’s very normal feeling in any new place, especially abroad.
So now, maybe few words about some of my activities here, I will lead two clubs in Pangeya Ultima, first Cultural Club, like you can guess about Culture, European Culture. Topics will be varied, and everything depends on my ideas and creativity, which makes me a bit nervous if I will be interesting enough, but I hope no one will fall asleep during this club. I will orgarize the second club with my EVS fellow Daphn'ee and it is called European Club. We want to talk about volunteering and possibilities for people to go abroad, and generally about Europe, multiculturalism, stereotypes and many different topics which can be useful and also developing for people. The first clubs will be next week, I’m very excited how they will look like, and worry a bit how we will manage. As for now, I will also help Daphnée with her ecological project in Stryzhavka school (near Vinnitsya), next week we are going to lead art classes about creative usage of plastic in 5th grade class. About other activities I will write when I will have more concrete ideas about themJ
What’s more we have visited the school where eco project is held this week, they had recycling action. There is big recycling project there, children collect paper, glass, plastic, batteries, and last Friday they were weighing the paper and plastic, we went there mainly to see the action and help if it needed. The way children met us was amazing.. They (especially younger boys) wanted to communicate with us, and were very interested.
And in the end the photo of volunteers and our coordinator (the most wild looking guy is our Polish-German flatmate))))

And our lovely mentorsJ

sobota, 5 października 2013

Arriving to Ukraine

My new adventure abroad has just begun and I will be describing it regularly (or I'll try to) on this blog. Today I want to say a few words about me and how it happened that I'm now in Vinnitsya (in Polish Winnica) in Ukraine. I could write it in Polish, but I thought that doing this in English can make it accessible and useful to more people. I will be writing about my EVS project and about my life in Ukraine as a whole.

So first, I should introduce myself - my name is Ula, I'm from Poland and i have recently graduated from university. I studied Russian philology for 5 years and now fed up with studies, I decided to be a volunteer instead of searching for a regular job.

How did it happen that I am an EVS volunteer now? I found out about this initiative few years ago when I met few EVS volunteers in Poland; I liked the idea and started getting more information about the possible projects. However, I thought it would be better to finish university first, as otherwise I would have lostmotivation to do it after so long break and I also wanted to be completely free from "education boundaries" ;) Some months ago I started to look for a project...Here one other question appears: why Ukraine? To answer this I should come back to the beginning, when I mentioned my studies. I'm fascinated by Slavic countries, especially Eastern and also all post-soviet countries. I always wanted to spend some time in one of them, travel, live, see it from a non-touristic point of view. When I decided definitely to do EVS I started searching for the project in Ukraine, Russia and countries of Caucasus. After many months of search and sending large number of motivation letters, and email exchanges, I found Nashe Podillia finally. I was lucky, they selected me. The project was approved and here I am on my way to Vinnitsya. Ah I forgot to mention, first I found my Sending organization in Poland – Dakato. I won’t write here about how to find a project and what are the procedures, you can easily find any information on the Internet, just google “Youth in Action” and EVS.

How do I feel about my EVS? Now with all excitement also fears and doubts appeared – if I have done well, if I manage, if if if… But this is a normal state in every long travel and moving abroad and it will disappear soon, as I’m also full of curiosity and hopes. For me EVS is a chance to do something for myself while doing something useful for others. Generally I think that I can benefit a lot from this experience. I have traveled quite a lot before and I had a chance to live longer abroad few times (but this will be the longest period far from home). Each travel can teach a lot and give much experience, unforgettable moments. The only advice before going abroad is to keep your mind open for anything and try to be a good observer. While being abroad we broaden out horizons - I don’t like this expression, but it’s so true and hard to find another one. I can learn not only about local communities, other nations (and by the way find so many similarities that any fear from “the others” disappear), but also about myself – what I can, am able to do, manage, what fears stop being frightening suddenly, and how little things can make us truly happy. Coming back to the main topic, EVS gives a chance to live abroad for some time and try a new life far from home and mummy's care;) for some people can be kind of shock in the beginning. Luckily I’m already used to getting on by myself. It lets gain some new experience and do something which we like (if project is chosen carefully). And what is important main costs are already paid, so volunteers don’t have to worry too much about money. That’s in short how it looks like more formal information can be found, as I said, on the Internet (for example

That’s all for today, in the next days I’ll write about my first impressions on people and the city.