niedziela, 10 listopada 2013

Month has passed… or rather flight with astronomic speed

I am in Ukraine already a month, but it seems like much longer. I can say that I already got used to new life, new city etc. Everything isn’t so frightening already. It wasn’t even in the beginning, but all new things cause some kind of fear and stress. Our first clubs in Pangeya Ultima took place and they were quite good. The success of these clubs depends not only on our creativity and abilities but mostly on participants who are great people – they are amazing, interested and cooperation is a pleasure. I never thought I would get satisfaction from leading an event myself, but I learnt here that it’s very possible. Even though I’m stressed before and worrying if the theme would be interesting enough, in the process I forgot about all that and enjoy very much. Here you can see few pictures from my first individual club:

The same satisfaction bring lessons with children, we had 3 of them already and it’s fantastic experience. First time was extremely stressful, but children were very interested and open, they want to communicate with us very much. It’s difficult with Daphnee, but believe me or not language barrier isn’t really existing. Mostly they don’t speak English except of – hello, my name is… but it isn’t a problem for them as more important is their willing and using hands and drawings and if it doesn’t help asking me for translations we all can communicate. 

We have also fun when preparing for classes with the children, you can see on picture our efforts of creating some eco pieces of art :D

Of course our days aren’t only “planned obligatory activities”, but also a lot of free time, so I can do many things, enjoying some ind of freedom and time only for me, which I lack normally. Last week we used our time for trip to Lviv, which will be the topic of next post!

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